Model of care

Model of care
Model of care

Model of care at Sansaar Care: creating foundations for a brighter future

At Sansaar Care, our Model of Care is a comprehensive framework designed to ensure every child in our care emerges with a positive mindset, high aspirations, and the self-belief necessary for a brighter future. This innovative model is built upon five stages of development and support, providing a robust platform for personal growth and success.

Sansaar Care

Stage One: Right Set-Up

The journey begins with establishing the right set-up—a solid foundation for our care homes, consisting of three key elements:

PACE Approach Parenting:

Implementing parenting techniques based on Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity, and Empathy to foster a trusting and secure relationship with each child.

Right Environment:

Crafting spaces that are not just physically safe and welcoming, but also emotionally supportive, promoting a sense of belonging.

ABLE training:

Our staff are trained in ABLE training methodologies, equipping them with strategies to manage behaviour positively and reduce conflict.

Stage Two: Our Delivery

Our delivery revolves around a compassionate and effective methodology:

Restorative Interventions:

Using conversations and actions to repair and strengthen relationships, fostering a restorative culture.

Strengths Focused Approach:

Encouraging children to recognise and build upon their strengths, promoting resilience and a positive self-image.

Authoritative Parenting:

Combining firmness with warmth, our caregivers set clear boundaries while showing a high level of care and responsiveness.

Stage Three: Our Goals

We aim to nurture the following in our children:

Emotional Control and Regulation:

Helping children develop the skills to manage their emotions constructively.

Self-esteem, Confidence, and Identity:

Supporting children in developing a strong sense of self-worth and a confident identity.

Social Skills, Relationships, and Independence:

Guiding children to build healthy relationships and fostering independence.

Stage Four: Our Success

Our success is measured by the positive changes in:


Ensuring children feel happy, healthy, and secure.

Emotional Mindset:

Fostering an optimistic and resilient attitude towards life’s challenges.


Encouraging ambitious goals and the pursuit of personal interests.


Achieving personal academic milestones and continuous learning.

Stage Five: Our Legacy

Our commitment extends beyond the age of 18:

Financial Support:

Providing a financial package to assist with the transition into adulthood.

Housing Assistance:

Helping find a suitable and stable home.

Ongoing Emotional Support:

Continuing to offer emotional guidance to ensure well-being.

Establishment in the Community:

Supporting the journey to become employed and build a career, ensuring each young adult establishes themselves successfully within the community.

At Sansaar Care, our Model of Care is not just a program—it's a pledge to each child that our support, guidance, and care will accompany them as they navigate through life's milestones, laying a strong foundation for a fulfilling future.